We service both the local and interstate markets

Proudly Australian owned and made. We use materials and parts that can be purchased and serviced right here in Australia.

Our product range is evolving and we keep an open mind regarding development of new products specific to Australian farmers.

Peace of mind that every Australian manufactured Phillbourne machine you purchase is guaranteed to be top quality.
Phillbourne Retrodrum sparks a revolution
About Us
Located in Merredin in the heart of the WA Wheatbelt, Phillbourne is well placed to service both the local and interstate markets using the east-west transport route.
Our Promise
We use only materials and parts that can be purchased and serviced in Australia. Have peace of mind the machine you purchase is guaranteed to be of and stay top quality.

Our Happy Clients
When feeding the swathed crop into the broad elevator of the header, the new Rollerdown gave a very consistent and even flow of material, slightly compressing the row in conjunction with the bottom platform mats, creating a very direct feed into the header. This enables machine to work more effectively and operate closer to tis capacity because of the accelerated ground speed of the machine.

Having used a standard Phillips Pickup Front for the previous three years, I feel I can make a fair comparison. The new Rollerdown, in my opinion is superior because of its unique feeder mechanism, which enabled an increase ground speed of 3-4 km/h with no apparent adverse effect on normal operation or grain loss. It was the easiest hours of harvesting canola I have ever had, I love it.

The addition of the Rollerdown has dramatically increased the performance of the pick-up — up to 20 tonnes per hour. This has been achieved by the fact the crop is guided under the table auger eliminating the restriction on ground speed. The even flow has stopped the “stop and go” blockages and provided smoother and clean grain separation. The Rollerdown is a real winner — the best machinery purchase I’ve made.

The Rollerdown was fantastic, I borrowed it from a friend down south who was harvesting Canola and he said it was the best Canola pickup he had ever seen.

The Rollerdown works really well in controlling the flow of the crop. I’ve been thinking of designing something similar for years to fix the problem of harvesting Canola. I had owned four different types of pickups over the years including some really bad ones and others with a small roller over the top of the barrel – but this is definitely the best pickup I have owned.

The Rollerdown is an impressive pickup. The Rollerdown mechanism is a great innovation enabling us to harvest quickly and smoothly to the capacity of our harvester. We seemed to be going twice as fast as our neighbour and I can’t wait to see how it goes in the next paddock, with has even bigger crops. Great machine.

You can see the benefits of the Rollerdown how it folds under the table auger and really shoves it in there. Excellent pickup.

I have owned an older style Phillips pickup before and it was one of the best pickups around. This new Rollerdown is obviously better in the way it controls the flow of the bulky canola into the harvester. Great machine.

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